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Monster Motorsports

  1. Rhys Cooper - 22 

  2. Hazy Rosato - 511

  3. Senior Blyat - 62  

  4. Steeze - 187 

  5. Blazin - 1

  6. Alex - 777 

  7. Kibler - 3 

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  1. Austin Carew - 269

  2. Brandon Cocroft - 137

  3. Adam Crews - 826

  4. Blake Oliver - 427

Client 4

Ponza Creations

  1. Arnaud Poncelet - 102

  2. Geraud Vasselin - 910 

  3. Guilhem Vasselin - 71

  4. Kevin Richard - 196 

  5. Maxime Lassence - 357

  6. Killien Jones - 126

Teams: Sponsors
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